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California Medical Malpractice Claims: What You Should Know About the Kaiser Permanente Arbitration Process

Without a doubt, Kaiser Permanente is one of the biggest medical health delivery systems in the United States. With over 9 million members, Kaiser Permanente mandates that all of its organization members resolve all medical malpractice claims and disputes through an arbitration system.

Many people, however, feel that the arbitration process somehow compromises the ability to receive financial compensation for their grievances. Other people feel that the arbitration process somehow undermines the medical malpractice claim. Depending on the circumstances of each individual claim, arbitrating a claim against Kaiser Permanente might be beneficial.

SANFORD A. KASSEL, A Professional Law Corporation | San Bernardino Medical Malpractice Attorney | kaiser arbitration attorney

If you or someone you know has suffered an injury at a Kaiser Permanente branch, consider seeking the legal expertise of a medical malpractice attorney. An attorney with the right legal practice can make sure that the claim has the best opportunity at being successful. It is important to note that medical malpractice claims in the State of California are time sensitive; seek proficient legal support as soon as possible. Call 909.884.6451

Arbitration Versus a Trial – Kaiser Permanente

Kaiser Permanente uses neutral arbitration panels and neutral arbitrators through the establishment of the Office of Independent Administrator or OIA. This independent law office serves as a third party that will oversee Kaiser’s arbitration system. The system has also allowed for a screening process for arbitrators as well as requiring all involved parties abide by the arbitration rules.

The Importance of a Knowledgeable Attorney Who Understands Kaiser’s Arbitration Process

While most legal professional would agree that Kaiser Permanente’s arbitration system is generally equitable and fair, it is vital to any case that the victim obtain the legal representation of a skilled and experienced attorney. An attorney that has experience in dealing with Kaiser Permanente’s arbitration process will be able to select an adequate arbitrator as well present substantial evidence.

A knowledgeable attorney should have extensive training as well as experience in order to navigate and understand the arbitration process. In the event that the attorney does not have enough experience, the probability of having successful results become reduced. A well-qualified medical malpractice attorney should be able to select a genuine neutral arbitrator.

When Filing a Kaiser Permanente Claim, Seek Expert Legal Support

Medical mishaps can occur when a patient least expects it. The pain and stress of the injury is yet another troublesome medical condition. If you have suffered as a result of a negligent Kaiser Permanente branch, you should not have to go through the claim’s process alone. Seek the expert advice of a trustworthy attorney who has experience in Kaiser’s arbitration process. An attorney with the right skills will help to give your claim the best opportunity at being successful.

The attorneys at SANFORD A. KASSEL, A Professional Law Corporation have great experience in dealing with Kaiser Permanente claims. They have the necessary level of expertise to help many medical malpractice victims successfully go through the Kaiser Permanente arbitration process. Kaiser Permanente claims, along with all medical malpractice claims in the State of California are time constrained. If you have suffered a medical injury as a result of a negligent facility, seek the legal expertise of a trusted attorney as soon as possible. Call 909.884.6451

SANFORD A. KASSEL, A Professional Law Corporation

Sanford A. Kassel is one of San Bernardino's preeminent trial lawyers. He has the resources, expertise and raw talent to handle even the most complex personal injury, medical malpractice, wrongful death, and employment law cases throughout Southern California. Sanford has maintained his offices in San Bernardino since he began practicing law in 1981. He is second generation of a multi-generational family of the Kassel/Katz Family of lawyers in the Inland Empire, whose experience spans over 50 years.

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